Temporary Survey Draw Prize Increase up to £50

Rollovers 10th – 16th April Inclusive

I’m excited to let you know that for the week commencing 10th April, rollovers will be enabled on the survey draw up to £50. The starting part will remain at £10, but for every missed claim, £10 will be added to the pot each day up to a maximum of £50.

£50 RolloversHopefully this can become a permanent thing, but to avoid disappointment, I want to be sure I can cover the costs of this setup first.

Longtime members will know that the ultimate aim of FBL has always been to offer bigger, life-changing amounts of prizes. Two £10 a day draws may seem a tad insignificant, but for me it was a big milestone at the time – FBL started life in Jan 2016 as a single weekly £5 draw!

As part of my little mission, I’ve been working towards enabling rollovers. I think it’s pretty standard for free lotteries and it gives regular players the chance to win more money.

At the moment any missed claims give me some breathing room to recoup revenue. Rollovers effectively negate this ‘saving’ and that’s why I’ve been reluctant to enable them. Rather than committing to a set-in-stone change, I thought a bit of a trial will help me see if it’s feasible to put in place permanently (fingers crossed we can). 🙂

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We, regular long timers, understand that it’s not always feasible for you to do rollovers. A lot of members don’t realise that most of the money for the lottery & games are from your own pocket. One of the other lottery sites remove any entries that haven’t logged in for a while, as much as I’d love you to roll over the days, removing some would give us all a fairer chance of winning anyhow. Just thought I’d let you know. xx


Great idea and before my holiday too so I don’t have to worry about missing a day due to really, really slow “free wifi”


Think you’ve missed the point, Elsee, if you your birthdate was drawn on Monday the 10th April & it wasn’t claimed (by you or anyone else) the £10 prize would ‘rollover’ making Tuesday’s prize, for a different birthdate, £20, & so on through the week.